Monday, December 5, 2011

Seeking Help in Islam

Seeking help from Creation or any person (Except Allah) is controversial theory among different sects of Islam. Some people believe that seeking help from creation leads to polytheism and it is forbidden in Islam. While another sect of Islam believes that it is licit in Islam.
 Now we have to solve this problem. First of all we should know the actual meanings and criteria of this terminology. Help may ask in these ways or situations;
·         A passenger may need guidance for true destination.
·         A peer person needs something.
·         A soldier who is fighting in battle field needs help.
·         A student needs help in his study.
·         A man wants help in religious problems.
·         Help might be taken in personal problems like, wealth, children and illness etc.
In other words, satiate to a hungry person, solving the problems of students or religious person, helping in the battle field, dosing the patient, guiding the passengers and charity among poor and needy persons all of above are conditions of help.
If we believe that there asking help from creation or any person is polytheism then we cannot save us from it.